Top Tips for a Stress-Free Moving Experience

February 2, 2022
Ella Martin
Ella Martin

Moving can be one of the most exciting, yet uncertain experiences. Understandably, most dread it. The hassle, expenses, and fast paced environment of moving day all add to the conventional understanding that moving is always difficult. Here at Imlach, we believe that moving does not have to be anything less than a cost-effective, timely, and smooth experience for our customers. To begin your relocation process, we have compiled a list of regularly forgotten and massively important things that you can spend a few minutes checking off to ensure your upcoming move is seamless.  

Make a Moving Prep Document

The first thing that will most effectively clear your head and make the rest of the process so much easier is creating a document with important dates, deadlines, and other moving-related information. It is surprising how much extra time and effort will be added to a move if the mover does not have all their valuable information typed up or written down and consolidated! A few things commonly kept track of are:

Important dates (i.e., closing, move in, inspection, address changes etc.)

Lease documentation

Budget documents

Create a rough moving budget estimate

Another super manageable and beneficial trick is to create an overall moving budget to keep in an organized folder. Compare different moving quotes, landscaper costs, and potentially new schools/daycare to get ahead of the settling-in game. You can also add things like recent registration for your vehicle. Additionally, if you are traveling long distances you may want to figure out how much it will cost to service your vehicle. A good rule of thumb before you move is to have twice the projected amount anticipated to cover those pesky costs you did not see coming! Below is an infographic with some typical pricing on different moving-related things.  

Budgeting Information to Keep Track Of

Mover expenses

Cleaning cost

Landscaping cost

New license and vehicle registration

Daycare expenses

Gas expenses  

Get time off

Another massive thing that can get swept under the rug is getting the time off work that you will need to clean, organize, and unpack. Talking to your boss a month before the move about how much time you’ll need to settle in saves your, and their time by preventing last-minute notices.

Size Down

Feel like you need to declutter but do not know where to begin? Have a yard sale; most movers find that when they move a lot of unused stuff that’ been buried in closets will appear. If you’re having trouble figuring out what to put in your yard sale/donation box, use this link to a great guide.

Find New Providers

Finding new cable and internet providers whose costs align with what you are used to can be a hassle. According to experts, the top 5 internet providers in Detroit are:

1. Xfinity  

2. AT&T

3. Earthlink

4. Spectrum

5. ViaSat

Cancel/Move Memberships

We know how hard it is to get that forgotten about car wash membership canceled. But if you were not using it enough to justify it before moving, you will not use it when you are living in your new home nowhere near the location. Cancel or transfer your membership at the gym, yoga studio, CrossFit facility, and each and every used or unused subscription. Moving is also a fantastic opportunity to find out what you actually need and want to spend your money on!

Do a Little Everyday

One of the most common complaints about the moving experience is the overwhelming reality of moving week. What most people fail to realize is that by getting a few of those essential tasks done day by day, you can create a fun and seamless move. To really delve into a solid breakdown, check out our eight-week moving checklist here.  

Hire Pros

The last tip we recommend is to hire a professional that you trust to get the work done for you. Raymond from Ray’s Now blog says,  

"For many people who sell their first home, they have little idea how complicated it can be to properly box and wrap all their belongings and get everything safely to the new residence in a very small amount of time."

Maybe doing all the boxing, or even a portion of it is totally in your comfort zone. However, if you feel like the most effective option for you is to hand that job off, our professionals are more than happy to help out. At Imlach Group we are committed to ensuring that you are provided with a premier moving experience that leaves you feeling confident and ready to move into your new home. If you leave the heavy lifting to us, your experience will be smooth and manageable.